Category Archive : Food

Candy is something that everyone can agree with, is one of the best snacks that anyone can get. Trying new candies from different countries is something that many candy lovers can agree, is the best way to be introduced to new and exciting foods. Everybody has different preferences on what kind of candies they enjoy, and I believe that there is enough candy from every country that can taste good to everyone. Here are a few examples of British candy that you can probably find at your local candy store that you will enjoy.

Chocolate British Candy

Chocolate is well known around the world as being one of the best kinds of candy to exist. The sugar content is just high enough and has just the right taste that it is hard to find someone that doesn’t like chocolate, no matter the origin. One of the most popular British chocolate candies is called Lion. Lion is a  chocolate bar that has caramel in the middle and some crunchy cookies on the inside. If you are a fan of 100 Grand or Kit-Kats, then consider giving a Lion bar a try, you might enjoy it.

Chewy British Candies

Sometimes chocolate doesn’t get the job done, and you want something nice and chewy and sweet. Jelly Babies will be the perfect fit for you when you are in the mood for something like that. They are basically like gummy bears that are covered in a small layer of sugar dust. If you haven’t tried these, then try to find some from the candy store or order some online and I promise you that you won’t regret it.

Other Good British Candy

With the two biggest types of candy knocked out of the way, let’s talk about some other honourable mentions.

Wine Gums

Colorful wine gums in different shapes colors and sizes

Wine gums are very similar to gummy bears, except all of the flavours are named after different kinds of wine. There’s no wine in these gummies, but if you love the taste of fine wine, then you will definitely love the taste of wine gums.


Yorkies are a bit out of the ordinary for people that aren’t used to raisins in their candy, but if you don’t mind the taste of raisins, then you should definitely give Yorkies a try. These are a chocolate bar with raisins in it.

Honeycomb Toffee

Toffee is a treat that isn’t as popular as it should be. Toffee bars are really crunchy chocolate bars and they taste really good. The texture is extremely bitter and it is recommended that you suck on the toffee bar for a bit before you try chewing it, as it can sometimes hurt your teeth. But once you try toffee, you’ll never go back and crave the flavor every now and again.

As you can see, there are a lot of different kinds of British candy out there for you to try. Go to your nearest candy store and see if they have any good British candy or search around online for different kinds of British candy that you would like to try. The internet is one of the best ways to try different foods from foreign countries, and you’ll be shocked at how easy they are to buy. Some websites even offer to send you monthly boxes full of different candies for you to try, and since it takes a long time for candy to expire, you won’t have to worry about your candy going bad before it gets to you. Have fun expanding your comfort zone and trying new things with British candy!